› The asset is a grade A development offering great flexibility and comprises 2
large double-fronted warehouses and 1 single-fronted warehouse.

› Total GLA 136,231 sqm, of which 127,778 sqm is warehouse space (apart from
the 2,621 sqm mezzanine) and 5,100 sqm office space.

› Minimum yard depth 35m.

› Clear Height 11.2 m.

› Structural mesh 17x20 m.

› Floor load-bearing capacity 5 T/sqm.

› Loading bays per square metre 1/820 sqm.

› DALI system included for all buildings.

› LED lighting system.

› Forklift charging area in each section.

› REI 120 structure.

› NFPA 13/ESFR fire sprinkler system.

› Solar panels.

› Electric-car charging stations.

› LEED® Platinum Certification. *Pending confirmation from USGBC.

› Minimum size of each individual module 15,000 sqm.

› Maximum permitted height for automated warehouses 30 m.